File Name Formats

The following table lists the file name format specifiers that can be used in various sections where file name formats are specified. Certain specifiers are common, i.e. they can be used for each file name specification. Certain specifiers are restricted, e.g. the format that is using a part of message heading cannot be used for file renaming (because there is no message heading involved).




Common Specifiers

time-related specifiers are based on the time stamp associated with the file or message


CCCC of originating centre

4 letters



4 digits


year (last two digits only)

2 digits


year since 1988 (A = 1988)

1 letter


month of year

2 digits


day of month

2 digits


day of year

3 digits


current month's name (3-letter abbreviation)

3 letters


hour of day

2 digits


minute of hour

2 digits


second of minute

2 digits


millisecond part of the current UTC time available from MW 1.7.0, VW 4.0.4

3 digits, zero padded


offset all subsequent date/time elements (%Dx) by x (positive or negative number). The u defines unit for the offset - m means minutes; h means hours; d means days. For example, %Do{-2h} means offset -2 hours, ie. expression will look 2 hours in the past.


output channel group number

3 digits, zero-padded


output channel number

3 digits, zero-padded

File Renaming specifiers

Only the common specifiers are allowed

File Relay channel - File name format


use original file name
%FN%Sn skip n starting characters (e.g. %FN%S4 will change "filename.dat" to "name.dat")
%FN%En skip n ending characters (e.g. %FN%E4 will change "filename.dat" to "filename")
%{FN:n} substring of the original file name starting at offset n (e.g. %{FN:4} will change "filename.dat" to "name.dat")
%{FN:n:m} substring of the original file name starting at offset n, with the length of m characters (e.g. %{FN:4:4} will change "filename.dat" to "name")
%{FN::m} substring of the original file name starting at the beginning, with the length of m characters (e.g. %{FN::4} will change "filename.dat" to "file")



file version number (short)

2 digits


file version number (long)

8 digits


number of digits used to represent the file version number (1-8)

n digits

File Relay / File Assembly channel - Temporary file name format

same as File Relay channel - File name format


use original file name



trial number. If upload is unsuccessful, this number will be incremented when next upload is attempted


Input asynchronous channel - File name (with save to file option)


file version number (short)

2 digits


file version number (long)

8 digits


number of digits used to represent the file version number (1-8)



output priority of the file

1-2 digits

Message Conversion - File name format


TTAA part of the message heading

4 letters


T1 part of the message heading

1 letter


T2 part of the message heading

1 letter


A1 part of the message heading

1 letter


A2 part of the message heading

1 letter


ii part of the message heading
x = replacement sign if no ii
x = $: suppressed if no ii



CCCC part of the message heading (issuing centre indicator)

4 letters


YYGGgg part of the message heading

6 digits


BBB part of the heading of the first message
x = replacement sign if no BBB
x = $: suppressed if no BBB and previous '_' or '-' character will be removed

3 letters


YY of the message heading (the day indicator of the DTG group)

2 digits


GG of the message heading (the hour indicator of the DTG group)

2 digits


gg of the message heading (the minute indicator of the DTG group)

2 digits


year of the message date (detected internally, not from DTG)

4 digits


year (last two digits) of the message date (detected internally, not from DTG)

2 digits


month of the message date (detected internally, not from DTG)

2 digits


output priority of the message

1-2 digits


input channel group number of the (first) message assembled to the file available from MW 1.8, VW 4.2

3 digits, zero-padded


input channel number of the (first) message assembled to the file available from MW 1.8, VW 4.2

3 digits, zero-padded

File Assembly channel - File name format

same as message conversion (heading information substituted from the first message in the assembled file) and %FV, %FL, %Fn

Any characters may be inserted in between the format identifiers; they will be taken as they are.

If the file version identifier (%FV) is not part of the format string it is assumed that the actual second is part of the name and there will be a delay of at least 1 second between new files to avoid having duplicated names, which may led to a loss of data. For VMSsystems the final file name should include a dot ('.') otherwise the temporary file name will be appended to the final file name because of the renaming behaviour of the VMS.


Examples of a File Name Format



heading line

SMDL01 EDZW 121200

actual time


file version


resultant name




heading line

SMDL01 EDZW 121200

actual time


file version


resultant name




heading line

PGZZ01 EGRR 121200

actual time


file version


resultant name




heading line

PGZZ01 EGRR 121200

actual time


file version


resultant name




actual time

20.03.2015 00:03:00

resultant name pattern




actual time

20.03.2015 00:05:00

resultant name pattern
