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GISC Brasilia [BR]
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dphase_lmk: LMK (COSMO-DE) high resolution model forecasts run by DWD for the MAP D-PHASE project
Wed Jun 20 00:00:00 UTC 2007
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Product description:
This experiment contains forecasts from the LMK (COSMO-DE) high resolution model of DWD (2.8km horizontal resoultion and 50 model levels). Model runs are started every 3h at 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18 and 21 UTC with a forecast range of +18h. LMK (COSMO-DE) is an operational forecast model of DWD. Therefore, we adapted the output of the model as close as possible to the tigge+ list, but there are some differences; see dataset summaries. For a detailed description of the LMK (COSMO-DE) model, please contact the originator of the data. All datasets for COPS in the database have an output frequency of 15 minutes. If the variables are not provided by LMK (COSMO-DE) with an output frequency of 15 minutes then the hourly output has been linearily interpolated in time. LMK (COSMO-DE) provides only a subset of the TIGGE+ variables with an output frequency of 15 minutes. These are: Total precipitation (all types) (kg/m**2) acc_st 011 002 TPT2 Precipitation: grid-scale only, rain (kg/m**2) acc_st 102 201 SURF Precipitation: grid-scale only, snow (kg/m**2) acc_st 079 002 SURF Precipitation: grid-scale only, graupel (kg/m**2) acc_st 132 201 SURF Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, rain (kg/s/m**2) inst 100 201 SURF Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, snow (kg/s/m**2) inst 100 201 SURF Precipitation rate: grid-scale only, graupel (kg/s/m**2) inst 100 201 SURF Total column water vapour (or precipitable water) (kg/m**2) inst 054 002 SURF Total column cloud water (or cloud water) (kg/m**2) inst 076 002 SURF Total column cloud ice (or cloud ice) (kg/m**2) inst 058 002 SURF W-velocity (m/s) inst 040 002 MUVW Grid descitption: CDOM: xfirst: -2.73 yfirst: -2.927 xsize: 135.0 ysize: 118.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 40.0 DDOM: xfirst: -5.882 yfirst: -6.685 xsize: 441.0 ysize: 279.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 40.0
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